La constitution tunisienne en arabe pdf files

Nouvelle constitution tunisienne en francais directinfo. Information from its description page there is shown below. Tunisia contributes to the unification of the arab maghreb. Ce document est disponible alsi en arabe et en anglais. En 2011, rashid ghannouchi reedita a tunis son ouvrage intitule les libertes publiques dans letat islamique alhuriyyat al amma fi aldawla alislamiyya. This constitution is the result of a compromise between the islamist party ennahdha head of government and the opposition forces. Nouvelle dynamique autonomisation des femmes en tunisie. Les nouvelles constitutions egyptienne et tunisienne. It provides for shared executive powers, gives preference to islam and, for the first time in legal history of the arab world, introduced a target parity between men and women in elected bodies. It was passed on 10 february 2014, replacing the constitutional law of 16 december 2011 that temporarily formed the basis of.

Dans les deux constitutions, le libelle est succinct. Jan 28, 2014 constitution tunisienne version francaise 1. Verdeil 220720 a paraitre en arabe et en anglais dans. Parue au jort n 30 du 1er juin 1959 en version originale arabe. Retrouvez lemission en reecoute gratuite et abonnezvous au podcast. Presente pour adoption en seance plenierede lassemblee nationale constituante le 26 janvier 2014. Published in the official gazette of the republic of tunisia on june 1,1959 in an original version arabic only, page 746. The republic of tunisia is a part of the arab maghreb and works towards achieving its unity and takes all.